書籍編號 :ET0036
作者 : Susan Tidwell
出版社 : 美國佛光出版社
出版日期 : 2011-11-30
ISBN : 9781932293630
頁數 :47
裝訂 :平裝
定價 :350.00
In this new Buddhist fable, three poor but virtuous brothers find themselves and the harmony of their cottage in chaos when they accept unusual payment for their labors. The entire neighborhood is getting quite angry, too; even the neighbor’s best milking cow has stopped giving milk. It seems as though the brothers will stop at nothing to get their peace back, including possibly throwing a loud rooster, a rare snake, and a blind pig down a well! The situation seems hopeless until a strange, old lady with kind eyes pays them an unexpected visit and teaches the brothers the value of right action, right speech, and right thought.
Based on the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order’s motto for young Dharma followers:
Do good deeds.
Say good words.
Keep good thoughts.
Written by Susan Tidwell
Age Range: 6 - 12 years
Paperback: 47 pages
Publisher: Buddha’s Light Pub (Nov. 30 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1932293639
ISBN-13: 978-1932293630
Product Dimensions: 19 x 0.6 x 27.3 cm
Shipping Weight: 181 g
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