書籍編號 :FM0032-1
作者 : 馬來西亞佛光文化
出版社 : 馬來西亞佛光文化
出版日期 : 2018-12-27
ISBN : 9789670724546
頁數 :75
裝訂 :平裝
定價 :150.00
3 Acts of Goodness: A Buddhist Guide for Kids-Intermediate
19(length)*26(width)cm ∕ Saddle-stitch binding ∕ 75 pp.
We vow to practice 3 Acts of Goodness:
Do Good Deeds
Speak Good Words
Think Good Thoughts
Dear respectful parents,
Children are our most precious gifts and they are the future of the country. Children bring us happiness, but also bring living and confusion. Since ancient times, other than taking care of their children’s daily life, parents also hope that their children will grow up to be smart, happy and healthy.
3 Acts of Goodness: A Buddhist Guide for Kids provides children with knowledge of Buddhism so that they can become more confident, brave and creative human beings while learning Buddhism.
At the same time, parents must understand your chil, as well as support, encourage, inspire and guide them with love, patience and sensibility , so that they can learn Dharma more freely. Listen to your child’s voice and share yous hopes for a better future with him or her.
Lesson 1: Buddhist Etiquette
Lesson 2: Buddhist Etiquette
Lesson 3: Buddhist Terminology
Lesson 4: Taking Refuge in the Triple Gem
Lesson 5: Poses of the Buddha Statue
Lesson 6: Story of The Buddha-Renunciation
Lesson 7: Story of The Buddha-Reaching Enlightenment
Lesson 8: Story of The Buddha-Buddha’s Teaching
Lesson 9: Story of The Buddha-The Return of Buddha to His Country
Lesson 10: Story of The Buddha-When Buddha attained Nirvana
Lesson 11: The Ten Great Disciples-Sariputra-Foremost in Wisdom
Lesson 12: The Ten Great Disciples-Maudgalyayana-Foremost in Super Natural Power
Lesson 13: The Ten Great Disciples-Punna-Foremost in Teaching the Dharma
Lesson 14: The Ten Great Disciples-Subhuti-Foremost in Understanding of Emptiness
Lesson 15: The Ten Great Disciples-Mahakatyayana-Foremost in Debating the Dharma
Lesson 16: The Ten Great Disciples-Mahakassapa-Foremost in Austerities
Lesson 17: The Ten Great Disciples-Aniruddha-Foremost in the Heavently Vision
Lesson 18: The Ten Great Disciples-Upali-Foremost in Monastic Discipline
Lesson 19: The Ten Great Disciples-Ananda-Foremost in Having Heard Much
Lesson 20: The Ten Great Disciples-Rahula-Foremost in Esoteric Practices
Lesson 21: The Master’s Story
Lesson 22: The Master’s Story
Lesson 23: Story of Compassion and Loving-Kindness
Lesson 24: Story of Compassion and Loving-Kindness
Lesson 25: Life Story-Never Waste a Thing
Lesson 26: Life Story-The Best Friendship
Lesson 27: Life Story-Old Clothes Changed into New Clothes
Lesson 28: Life Story-Grow up Quickly
Lesson 29: Life Story-The Greedy Fox
Lesson 30: Life Story-Never Do Things by Halves
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